In conjunction with a concerted media and publicity program the association's current actions are concentrated on a petition that will specifically target La Trobe University and illustrate to them the angst and opposition there is among the community of their decision to rezone the Strathallan Open Space and encourage them to re-consider this course of action.
If you support the association's aims, you are invited to download (see below) a copy of the petition so that you (and your friends) can register your support.
SSOSCC Inc. members, Greg Sullivan and Garry Davis perusing the 4,800 petition signatures
For decades, the Strathallan golf course has served the ecology and the community. It has provided a buffer between the wildlife reserve and residences and a sanctuary for native flora and fauna. It has served as an important amenity, providing recreational facilities and low-cost golfing together with the benefits of social interaction. As such, it has fulfilled its zoning as Public Park and Recreation as intended by the Independent Review Panel.
In September 1996, La Trobe University acquired the land (Part B of Plan Subdivision 328980H, Certificate of Title Volume 10232 Folio 736) from the Urban Land Authority for $580,000 on the understanding that the land would remain as public open space.
La Trobe has refused to continue its lease with the Strathallan Golf Club. Given that La trobe has remained silent on its intention with this land, the community is concerned that La Trobe may seek to rezone the land for development. This would be contrary to the understanding upon which the land was transferred to the University. If carried out, it would remove the substantial benefits that the land provides to the ecology and the community.
Please click here to download the petition.